Help Improve
Flexibility & range of motion
Recovery after exercise, illness, surgery or injury
Muscle tone
Overall wellbeing
Help Reduce
Inflammation, soreness, tension & stiffness
Painful trigger points
Muscle spasms
Stress, nervousness & anxiety
Help Overall
Manage areas of compensation
Stimulate the body’s natural healing process
Relax and reduce tension
If you’ve ever had a massage, you’ll appreciate how good it feels. It’s the same for animals!
From my own research, massage can enhance a dog's wellbeing by reducing heart rate up to 30% and improve their mobility by increasing their range of motion up to 25%.
Massage is a hands-on treatment which forms part of our sessions.
This soft tissue therapy is an excellent way of helping to reduce pain and discomfort and get your dog moving better and more comfortably - as well as enhancing their wellbeing.
This nose to tail approach treats the animal as an individual, observing their body language to help guide the right technique for the right part of the body. Each treatment will include the most effective combination of techniques and provide additional after care suggestions to the owner to maximise the benefits after the treatment and/or until the next.

Rowdy Enjoying his Alfresco Treatment
Techniques integrated include Swedish, deep and cross fibre friction, trigger & stress point, tendon release and mobilisation.
Releasing a muscle spasm
"Our dog has undergone 3 operations on this legs in the past 5 years so is full of knots, tension not to mention his back legs can get very stiff for such a young dog after his surgery work.
But Harriet has treated him and he came back much looser and seems to move better. She has such a rapport with animals that Rowdy was so excited to be with her (and very soon after, very relaxed!) the indepth report that Harriet sent afterwards was really great to know where Rowdy had the most tension, along with suggested exercises which means we can help him more as well. Thank you!!" TM, Owner

Cross Fibre Friction
Read how Jenson benefited from Veterinary Physiotherapy inc Massage after TPLO surgery for Cruciate Ligament Disease.