PhysioMyDog & Avon Dog Services Package
Dog Tips
Suggest filming after you have walked your dog for a few minutes – so they’re not overly excited
Keep your dog on a LOOSE lead and collar
If you use a harness, please remove for the purpose of videoing
Avoid your dog jumping up
Avoid your dog looking up at you – ideally looking forward
Please have your dog at walk and trot pace.
Included as part of your chosen Avon Dog Services package, are sessions with Harriet Kitcat, Vet Physiotherapist of PhysioMyDog. Time, date and location to be discussed.
Your package includes
2 Exclusive in Person Physiotherapy Sessions
Carried out at your home or PhysioMyDog in Frome, Somerset
Follow Up Written Bespoke Therapeutic Plan​
Written report for your vets and other dog professionals involved
Access to Harriet in-between sessions to answer any questions you may have
Option to book further physiotherapy sessions as needed (additional cost)
To learn what happens during a physiotherapy treatment session, please click here.
Required Video Footage In Advance
To help maximise our face to face sessions, we would like you to take some video footage of your dogs in advance.
General Filming Tips
Two people are required. One to video and the other holding the lead and dog
Use your phone or tablet
Use the landscape setting when filming all videos
Keep the videos to around 30-45 seconds​
Keep the phone/tablet steady
Ensure you are in a well-lit area – avoiding shady spots
Avoid busy areas where your dog is distracted. Perhaps your back garden or a quiet field
Avoid filming in long grass or anything that will block the view of your dog’s paws
Choose flat ground – if you notice your dog struggles on some surfaces (ie tarmac, stones) but better on others (ie grass), please film both surfaces so we can compare
Film from around 4 meters back - or slightly closer if you're dog is small breed
Please ensure you are filming the whole of the dog – not cutting off their feet or heads
When filming the dog walking away from you, ensure we can see the whole of the dog's back, ie not too low down
Examples of Video Footage Required
Left Hand Side
Towards Camera
Right Hand Side
Away from Camera
Sit to Stand - Please film left & right sides