An Owner's Guide - Help Identify, Slow Progression & Manage Osteoarthritis in Dogs - Lifestyle Management Tips Webinar
What You Will Receive​
An Owners Guide - Help Identify, Slow Progression & Manage Osteoarthritis in Dogs - Lifestyle Management Webinar
Evidence based expert advice from a Vet Physiotherapist
Available to watch OnDemand
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Can be viewed on any device
Lifetime access​
This webinar is open to all, not just for those who's dog had been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis
During this one hour webinar you will learn:
What is osteoarthritis
What are the causes and signs
What lifestyle adjustments can you make to help slow progression and manage the condition​​
Prefer to read instead of listening?
Check out the ebook which covers some of the above, but also goes into more detail.
I am passionate about helping owners help their dogs feel and move better. Osteoarthritis is extremely common - more info here - but there is also so much that can be done to help you & your dog manage this ongoing condition.
I carried out a research project on how physiotherapy helps dogs with Osteoarthritis. This was distributed at Crufts 2020 & Awarded the Photizo February 2020 Prize. It also got numerous press coverage on and offline.
You can learn more about me, Harriet Kitcat, Vet Physiotherapist, PhysioMyDog here.